Research Participants Needed
ATTENTION STUDENTS AND PARENTS!!! One of our counselors, Kari Russell is conducting research as part of the requirements for an Ed.D. in Community Care and Counseling at Liberty University. The purpose of the research is to consider the perceived stress effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school students with previous trauma. To participate, students must be a high school student at one of the high schools in Haywood County School system. Participants will be asked to complete a short anonymous survey about previous adverse childhood experiences and stress questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic which should take about 10 minutes. Information can be found on your Google Classroom Please review this document with your parents. Parents wishing their child NOT to participate will need to email Kari Russell at by Wednesday September 21st at 8am. On September 21st, the survey link will be sent to student emails through Google Classroom. ALL survey information will be anonymous and no identifying information will be collected. If you or your parents have any questions about the study or your participation, please contact Kari Russell at
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