Home / School News / Schedule and Chromebook Pick-Up


For all 10th, 11th and 12th grade students:  Schedules and Chromebooks may be picked up on the following  dates and times:

On Wednesday August 10th and Thursday August 11th

Seniors may start picking up schedules and chromebooks at 9:00am

Juniors may start picking up schedules and chromebooks at 11:00am

Sophomores may start picking up schedules and chromebooks at 1:00pm.


Please remember that a parent or guardian must be present for you to pick up your chromebook.  They will not be issued to students without a parent or guardian present.


A quick word about schedules; due to many changing circumstances with teacher hires and scheduling HCC courses, schedules are VERY tight, and schedule changes will not be permitted unless students have a hole in their schedule, or are enrolled in a class they have already passed.  Class sizes have increased significantly, so there is very little wiggle room for changes.  Counselors will be available during schedule pick up times to help with students who have holes in their schedule.


We will hold our 9th grade orientation for students and parents on Wednesday, August 17th.  Students whose last name starts with A-L will come to orientation from 9:00am until 11:00am that morning.  Students with last names M-Z will have orientation from 1:00pm-3:00pm.  As students are touring the building in groups and gaining information from student leaders, administrators will meet with 9th grade parents in the auditorium for an information session.  9th graders will pick up their schedules at orientation and can also go with parents to pick up chromebooks immediately following orientation.


If students cannot pick up schedules and chomebooks during these dates and times, schedules will be given to them on the first day of school.
Students who are taking Haywood Community College courses:  If you are taking an HCC course online or on HCC’s Campus, your classes begin on August 15th (a full week before other students arrive).  The final day to drop an HCC course is August 22nd, which is the first day of school for the remainder of our students.


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